Powerful meditations to create the life of your dreams

Reveal the Source in You and become a Magnet for Miracles



This powerful meditation will help you open yourself lo Love, Healing and Abundance. You can work with this tool with any of your request or personal situation (money, love, business, health, relationships). Fill yourself with love from the Source and open yourself to the miracles.

Access to meditation for 10 days: $1500
30 days: $2500

To pay in USD, EUR: (individuals)

Card ANASTASSIYA LEBEDEVA 4400 4303 9701 1955 (Kaspi bank)
Western Union: ANASTASSIYA LEBEDEVA, Almaty, Kazakhstan
*PayPal lebedeva.anastassiya1@gmail.com lebedeva.anastassiya1@gmail.com

! AFTER PAYMENT, SEND ME A SCREENSHOT OF PAYMENT to email Lebedeva.anastassiya1@gmail.com, Instagram or

Telegram - that's how I'll know that it's from you.

Or fill in this form
I will send you a payment link / my company bank details (for companies and entrepreneurs)
This number should be linked to watsapp messenger
Link to chat with you on Telegram - I will contact you in THIS chat and send you a payment link

You will receive an answer in Telegram, whatsapp or email within 72 hours.

If you have not received a response within the specified time frame, email me at lebedeva.anastassiya1@gmail.com.

Please note that payment is not refundable. By sending a message to messenger, you confirm that you have read and agree with this condition.

Анастасия Лебедева
Why clients choose me
  • With ONE meditation my students buy apartments and cars, record their songs
  • On the 6th day of the course meet the Divine Partner
  • A week after the course of increase in income by 47%
  • Twin flames (divine partners) meet after one meditation and join in happy unions
  • Students are investing in three-room apartments
  • Moving arrangements are being made
  • Students enroll at Oxford
  • Meet and dine with Dimash Kudaibergen
  • Grow in income 10 times, attract DREAM SUMS
  • Achieve a monthly income of 2,000,000 tenge
  • Go to the best ski resorts in Switzerland
  • Start receiving care, attention and expensive gifts from husbands
  • Eat in Michelin restaurants
  • Begin publishing in world magazines
  • Change jobs, open businesses, go to new trainings
Анастасия Лебедева
Anastassiya Lebedeva
  • Spiritual Leader, Healer, Magician, Twin flame specialist and advise entrepreneurs. political leaders and celebrities
  • Author of YouTube Channel on Spirituality and Personal Growth: over 8000 subscribers
  • Author of series spiritual and healing books: “A Heart’s Way” trilogy, “Twin Flames Big Book” dilogy, “A big book of Happiness/ Self-love/ Change / Money, etc.” series
  • Author of own healing Method, Certified Master of Reiki accredited by The International Natural Healers Association (INHA), The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), The International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), The Natural Healer Society (NHS), etc.
  • Meditation Teacher: Hundreds of students since 2019 from all over the globe
  • Founder and CEO of a successful event company in Astana, Kazakhstan: ‘Star Event’ (2016-2022). Organized corporate events for international and Kazakh companies: Total, DES (Defence Engineering Solutions), Toyota, KazakhTelecom, Kaz Munay Gaz, Samruk Kazyna Contract, etc. Events on EXPO-2017 in Astana (Japan National Day), events with the first President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev (Kazakh-Polish Economic forum, 2017)
  • Author of the first immersive theater performance in Astana: INSIDE Theatre, 2017
  • Create beautiful healing Cross-stitch Embroidery art work
  • Photographer (2010-present). Laureate and participant of international competitions and exhibitions (Athens, Greece, 2023. Rome, Italy 2024). Author of Instagram project Anastassiya Gallery (2023), travel-photography project @lebedevaphoto (2020).
  • Bachelor's degree in Journalism (L.N. Gumilev ENU, Astana), scientific publications (Lomonosov Moscow State University), work in the national newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010-2014)
  • Speaker and teacher: public speeches and workshops on entrepreneurship, spiritual growth, eventing, photography (2015-present)
  • Guest of the closed event of the Ambassador of France in Astana as a partner (2017)
  • Love to travel: 18 countries. Lived in the US, Argentina, Brazil and Cuba. Travel blogger
  • Over 11 600 subscribers in 3 social network
  • Runner, mountain climber (Big Almaty Peak, 3680 m, Sovietov Peak 4317 m)
  • Speak 5 languages
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